[youtube youtu.be/IswJFfBcztE?rel=0?cc_load_policy=1“&w=853&h=480]
As a single parent, Moses was on the verge of death. His life was saved, but the four limbs had to be amputated. What gave him the courage to live on?
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A Race to Run
[youtube youtu.be/M26EPYq1KC4?rel=0?cc_load_policy=1“&w=853&h=480]
Jeff was born in a Christian family. He was an outstanding student, always helping people. He died suddenly on his mother’s birthday.
How do his parents recover from the grief?
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1261 Reunion in Love
[youtube youtu.be/_jbwI708hd8?rel=0&hl=es&cc_lang_pref=en&cc_load_policy=1“&w=853&h=480]
Reunioned with mom in France at age of twelve, but…
“Whatever she said, I went against her. I hurt myself deliberately in front of my mother.”