[youtube youtu.be/M26EPYq1KC4?rel=0?cc_load_policy=1“&w=853&h=480]
Jeff was born in a Christian family. He was an outstanding student, always helping people. He died suddenly on his mother’s birthday.
How do his parents recover from the grief?
Full Version Here
1244 Unforsaken Love
[youtube youtu.be/bNSLmFxJ9bM?rel=0&hl=es&cc_lang_pref=en&cc_load_policy=1“&w=853&h=480]
Her husband died suddenly. “At that moment, I saw no light for my future.”
How would she come out of life’s darkness?
1304 Have Faith, no doubt
[youtube youtu.be/ApPBQ4sg3Fg?rel=0?cc_load_policy=1“&w=853&h=480]
From sickness to death, then cremated. It all happened only in ten days.
“That’s why I doubted so much to ask why this would happen. I was confused and had no answer.”